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QA April 23rd


Stormhaven Studios
  • Map Updates:
    • World map added (includes Monoliths as POIs)
    • Right click will now back out to the world map when a zone map is loaded.
    • Maps are now loaded in a more memory efficient way.
    • Zone lines can now be clicked to load the appropriate map if that zone has been discovered.
    • While near a monolith you can teleport to an Ember Ring or another Monolith via the "Teleport" buttons that will show on individual maps or the world map.
    • Teleport confirmation dialog is now confined to the map window.
    • Known Bug: new discoveries are not immediately reflected on the map until you close and re-open the map. This will be resolved in the next patch.
  • Global repair icon:
    • A new icon will appear next to your nameplate when one of your equipped items or weapons are operating at less than 100% capacity. For armor this means that they are below 80% durability and have non-max armor class. For weapons this means they are lower than 20% durability and are doing less than maximum damage. The tooltip for this icon will state which slots are impacted.
  • Tasks
    • Grimstone Canyon "Doe" task expanded to include all Deer.
    • Redshore Ridgebacks tasks now only requires 5 ridgebacks and 10 crocodiles.
    • Shriek Ember Vein task updated from 5/10 to 3/12 required kills.
  • Fixed Toxic Spit ability emote to not reference "you" if it spit ay anyone nearby.
  • Fixed stuck spots in Grizzled Peaks, Central Veins, Ember Veins, Newhaven City, Newhaven Valley, Dryfoot, and Grimstone.
  • Fixed clipping mushrooms on selection screen.
  • Fixed typo in Northreach plateau task
  • Fixed an issue with an item repair icon always showing if it has 0 armor.
  • Fixed an issue preventing mail from being able to be sent to some players.
  • Spider Stalker no longer can go Ashen.
  • Updated some prop LODs.
  • Adjusted all monster Resilience buffs so they will no longer use them until they are close to death. These abilities now last longer and have a longer cooldown. This should provide more time for players to deal with these buffs, while also not wasting their cooldown before needing it.
  • Adjusted all monster heal abilities to only be used when they are lower health.
  • Added juice to pie vendor at proving grounds.
  • Scale armors have been colored.

Travel Essence
One of the frequently received feedback about Ember Essence in our game is that higher level players cannot acquire Ember Essence reliably in lower level zones. This can disincentivize players from visiting lower level zones as they might not have enough Essence for traveling back to higher level zones. Since we implemented fast travel via the Monoliths we have been brainstorming different ideas on how we might allow players to also pay for travel with in-game currency; this would add a natural gold sink in game while allowing players an alternative means of to pay for travel. However, using currency at the Monolith didn't make much sense from a lore perspective unless we planned on adding a coin slot or added an NPC to every Monolith.

Further brainstorming sessions led us to the idea of a specialized "Travel Essence" or TE for short. The basic idea is that we double the capacity of each player's Ember Stone but the extra space could only be filled with TE. This would allow players to "bank" some of their Essence for travel while reserving the rest for abilities. In addition, if players were required to pay for this conversion it adds a universal (but optional) gold sink into the game which should benefit the economy. When using a Monolith travel funds would be removed from TE first followed by your regular Essence.

Internal testing has shown that this idea had merit so we opening it up for testing in this patch. To convert your Ember Essence to Travel Essence visit the Academy in Newhaven City and speak with Galinomen. They will allow you to access the Essence conversion "device" UI. Here you will find a simple slider with your Essence on the left and your Travel Essence on the right; set the slider to the amount of TE you would like to purchase and hit the "Convert" button. The current conversion rate is 1x Ember Essence = 2x Travel Essence and costs 1sp per TE purchased. This rate means that TE is more "bang for your buck" when it comes to travel. TE is certainly a "luxury" of the game as the costs can add up. However, we feel that doubling the value of your Essence for travel is well worth the squeeze.

As an example let's assume you head to the Academy with a full Ember Stone with 100 EE. To fill up your TE it would cost you 50 EE and 1gp (50 EE would be converted to 100 TE and at 1sp/TE the total cost is 1gp). Lower level players may struggle to afford the conversion but it is important to remember that regular Essence can still be used at the Monolith as you are used to. We like to think of TE as a savings account - in that players might deposit some of their EE into it when they visit the city.
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Adjusted all monster Resilience buffs so they will no longer use them until they are close to death. These abilities now last longer and have a longer cooldown. This should provide more time for players to deal with these buffs, while also not wasting their cooldown before needing it.
Uhm, what? What do you mean by "deal with these buffs"? What option is there besides standing around and waiting for the buff to expire? And now these annoying buffs will last even longer, wtf...

Travel Essence sounds to me like an overly complicated solution to a pretty minor problem. If this system really needs to be touched and a gold sink added, I'd have preferred to just get rid of EE for traveling and charge silver for it. This way it could easily scale to level as well.
Uhm, what? What do you mean by "deal with these buffs"? What option is there besides standing around and waiting for the buff to expire? And now these annoying buffs will last even longer, wtf...
These resilience buffs expire after a certain number of hits OR the time expiring. All you have to do is hit the mob a few times and the buff will drop (there is a # above the buff indicating how many triggers/hits remain). Previously the mobs would frequently refresh their buff before the players got the required number of hits in which kind of reset everything and led to some frustration.

Travel Essence sounds to me like an overly complicated solution to a pretty minor problem. If this system really needs to be touched and a gold sink added, I'd have preferred to just get rid of EE for traveling and charge silver for it. This way it could easily scale to level as well.
This was considered, but as mentioned in the post it didn't jive lore wise unless we wanted to add coin slots to the monolith. Even still, the cost of monolith travel is proportional to the nodes traversed so the only way it scaled previously was if the player wanted to travel to a farther away zone. This implementation leaves the old system in place, but gives players the option to get more travel for less essence at the cost of some in game currency.
These resilience buffs expire after a certain number of hits OR the time expiring. All you have to do is hit the mob a few times and the buff will drop (there is a # above the buff indicating how many triggers/hits remain). Previously the mobs would frequently refresh their buff before the players got the required number of hits in which kind of reset everything and led to some frustration.
To get rid of the chain-refreshing of such abilities is definitely good. My point was more about the "deal with these buffs". Continuing to whack the mob does IMHO NOT qualify as "dealing with the buff". Dealing with the buff would be something like dispelling the buff or having the mob do a cast and you counterspelling or silencing the mob. But such actual counterplay isn't available.

This was considered, but as mentioned in the post it didn't jive lore wise unless we wanted to add coin slots to the monolith.
A coin slot, really? Maybe it's just so tiny that you don't see it?! It's right next to the EE slot. Oh wait...
1713922397813.png i noticed the Vale gear 1.) has changed to a green color. I preferred the charcoal color. 2.) I preferred the original plate look.
Greenscale is green now :)
Map changes are good.
TE is great for those that want it, my gold sink is still bank space :)
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