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Embers Adrift

Register a free account today to Ignite your Adventure! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate with the Embers Adrift community. Your active account will also be the same account used to purchase, download, and login to the game.

Anniversary Event - Play the game for FREE starting Oct 13th to Nov 5th


Stormhaven Studios

Greetings Community!

Creating Embers Adrift has been an improbable kind of adventure. How did a small team of 12 devs starting from nothing managed to create a full MMORPG? We have been facing all kinds of challenges and struggles, but we made it happen and we released Embers Adrift the 15th of October 2022! And since then we have done a full turn around the sun!

One year already! During this year, we have continued to work on our game and to learn from our continuous exchange with our community. We have added content, polished performances, listened to feedback, made some changes whilst still keeping our vision to create a Classic MMORPG experience.

We have changed our business model to welcome more players to the game by removing the obligatory subscription.

We have organized events with our players and our content creators to build a warm, welcoming, friendly community.


To all our players that have been playing our game, shared adventures with the community, reported bugs, wrote their feedback and suggestions, partaken in our meetings on Discord, and supported us with their purchase and subscriptions, THANK YOU!

Without you, we would not be here. Thank you for giving us purpose. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for enjoying the game.


It’s been one year! And today, we are inviting you to celebrate this milestone with us! Gather your friends, call forth your community, and join us in-game to enjoy our first Anniversary event!

Enjoy Embers Adrift for FREE during our celebrations, starting Friday, the 13th of October at noon CDT and ending Sunday the 5th of November at midnight. Over 3 weeks of free time for you to play our game and invite your friends to join! Just enough time for you to reach level 20 and be ready to try our new Alchemy system releasing on the October 31st patch!

Our team has been working hard to make this celebration something special to remember!


  • Everyone can access to the game for FREE from oct 13 to nov 5th
  • Everyone has access to sub perks
  • Several surprises to discover
  • Special cosmetic items to find and collect
  • GM events
  • Streamer Marathon with gametime giveaways every hour

  • 12pm - 2pm WELCOME PARTY in game
  • 12pm -1pm DEVS TALK on Twitch - Stream MARATHON is starting
Discussion with the Devs about the first year of release of the game
  • 2pm - 4pm Stream Event - Multistream with TheNathanNapalm, Alice, Sparoh, Slybankai, Drindin and Elloa

Random GM events announced in game when they happen through the weekend:
  • Invasions: Fight the mobs with other players
  • Hide and Seek: Find the GM before everyone else to get your reward

  • 2pm - 4pm NAKED RACE from the Wall to Highland Hills

  • 11am - noon DICE DUEL TOURNAMENT
  • 2pm FireWork then Trade Fair (include lottery & roleplay)

Halloween Streamer Marathon (3).png


Several content creators of the Embers Adrift community and some special guests that will be discovering the game for the first time are gathering in this Marathon to showcase the game, interact with the community, and have fun together!
Each streamer will have gametime giveaways to offer every hour!

By order of appearance
- Elloawendy
- TheNathanNapalm
- AliceBluu
- SlyBankai
- Genrah_The_Gray
- Rei_Draco
- GuloGulo_Gaming
- ShadowSeroZoul
- MrCoddleshire
- OldManPainKiler
- TGFTavern
- ChristinaMoonvibes
- SproutTheHealer
- PantheonPlus
- Locke

We hope to see many of you trying Embers Adrift for the first time, or coming back to see all the changes, improvements, and new content added since launch.
Remember that the game is free during this period, join us with your friends, or make new friends in game, Embers Adrift is best when played together! That’s why we created it!

When inviting friends to try for the first time all they need to do is make an account on our website and on Oct. 13th at noon visit their account page to download the client. If they are having issues you can suggest that they run the game as admin.
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Noon CDT would be 7pm here in Germany. Is there an opportunity to download the game BEFORE 7pm or do i have to wait till then?
Because i would like to start streaming right at 7pm instead of waiting till the download and stuff is finished....

Greetings o/
Noon CDT would be 7pm here in Germany. Is there an opportunity to download the game BEFORE 7pm or do i have to wait till then?
Because i would like to start streaming right at 7pm instead of waiting till the download and stuff is finished....

Greetings o/

Unfortunately it is not possible to pre download. You will have to wait 7pm!
Thank you for your interest!
12pm -1pm DEVS TALK on Twitch - Stream MARATHON is starting
Hey Elloa, I don't Twitch much, so I may have missed it. But do you have a link for the Twitch channel? Thanks.

Nevermind, didn't know I could just click on the names.
Noon CDT would be 7pm here in Germany. Is there an opportunity to download the game BEFORE 7pm or do i have to wait till then?
Because i would like to start streaming right at 7pm instead of waiting till the download and stuff is finished....

Greetings o/
And i thought it's 5pm, that means we have to wait a bit more. I'm hyped as hell!
Yes, sadly it is... I asked google about the time xD.

btw: i am wondering how i am able to download the game. Will my account status switch to active to be able to download?
Uhm, tbh. i don't know either :D. I try to figure it out. Let's see what happens in the next hours. At least i have time to buy some snacks for later......"es wird eine lange Nacht"... ^^.
Uhm, tbh. i don't know either :D. I try to figure it out. Let's see what happens in the next hours. At least i have time to buy some snacks for later......"es wird eine lange Nacht"... ^^.
not that long for me. with three kids my night is over at 6 am xD.

but if you are alone and feeling lonely, you can join my stream then. I am playing with some friends and everyone is welcome to join :)