Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. KnightFalz

    I want to buy this game...

    Quite true. People are not confined to enjoying only one type of MMORPG experience.
  2. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    You shouldn't stray from your core intention for Embers Adrift. Maintaining your distinctiveness is your best chance for success. I've personally been away for awhile as I could never find a tolerable graphics setting for the game. I have a new computer now, and with your new non-subscribed...
  3. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    You are more patient and sharing than I to be sure. Hopefully your generosity will be appreciated.
  4. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    You're the one that doesn't know what he is talking about. Installing ESO every year isn't going to tell you a damn thing about the current state of the game when the last chapter you purchased was Morrowind and since then the chapters released have been Summerset, Elsewyr, Greymore, Blackwood...
  5. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I can only know what you choose to say and in the first post I responded to said you don't you don't play anymore and that your last Chapter purchase was Morrowind. Now you've amended your story to periodic checking on the game but with no mention of purchase beyond Morrowind. Your knowledge of...
  6. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    ESO is as difficult as each player wants to make it. There is a wide variety of challenge available for both solo or group players. Of course having dumped it that long ago you wouldn't really know much about that on offer these days.
  7. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    ESO subscriptions provide more than game store currency. They also double your bank space, provide unlimited crafting material storage, and access to all DLCs at no additional cost so long as they are maintained. While you can purchase bank slots and DLCs to offset not being subscribed there is...
  8. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I see this as useful for those that have already bought the game but let their subscription lapse. This will allow them to check it out on a regular basis to see if changes made inspire them to renew their subscription. From that perspective alone I feel this option valuable.
  9. KnightFalz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    It's the smallest big announcement in gaming I've seen to date. Lacklustre to be sure.
  10. KnightFalz

    December 6th; what's new?

    All MMORPGs not in maintenance mode are works-in-progress. It is of course not the intention of Stormhaven Studios to drive away their players seeing as they are the sole source of ongoing revenue in a subscription only model. Intentions don't always pave a road to a destination universally seen...
  11. KnightFalz

    December 6th; what's new?

    I venture to say the post of the community member you responded to shows your contention false in and of itself, making it an odd position for you to take. That the post came to receive more likes than your own further supports a variance of opinion on this rather than uniformity of view.
  12. KnightFalz

    October 20th; what's new?

    Very nice! That change in log is going to be very helpful for harvesting, especially in darker hours. Much appreciated.
  13. KnightFalz

    Your dream mmo

    Embers Adrift doesn't come closer to my dream MMORPG than other options by my current views. What the game does offer me is a different experience that I had not previously explored. What I come to feel it offers me beyond that and if my views of that ideal will change depends on the result of...
  14. KnightFalz

    The game is not ready for launch.

    Getting to level 30 takes a fair bit of time in this game, so it is not as though it wasn't given.
  15. KnightFalz

    Feedback Not for me

    Not for you then, as you say. I appreciate you formed your opinion through trying it first hand.
  16. KnightFalz

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    That information would only lead to an answer specific to my needs. I prefer a response with general applicability. Surely I'm not the only potential customer curious about this. The expected range of required to recommended specs would be useful to all with older machines rather than just the one.
  17. KnightFalz

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    What are the intended required and recommended specs for the game, roughly. My computer is getting a bit long in the tooth and I'd rather not spend money on a game I can not realistically hope to play with at least decent performance.