Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Doomfane

    Warden - Sedation Dart Issue

    I am having an issue with the skill Sedation Dart. When I throw the dart at a target I like to immediately tab target to the target I am about to pull. I have to wait to do that because the dart is like a homing missle, it will hit my new target if I change it in mid flight. Can you make this so...
  2. Doomfane

    Drive-By Buffing

    True, but they could be added.
  3. Doomfane

    Drive-By Buffing

    I would like to see buffs that can be cast on other players in a group AND outside of it. I think it would be another way to foster good social relations and kind gestures. EQ had Temperence, Spirit of the Wolf, Damage Shields, etc. WoW had Fortitude, etc. Thanks
  4. Doomfane

    Echo in audio

    Yeah, I am getting the same thing and someone told me that its due to the mountain / hill sides being close.