Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. C

    Player base / audience composition

    What kind of players does Embers Adrift want to attract? If it wants players of all ages then should we make an effort to have family friendly chat in-game?
  2. C

    Best combination?

    Presuming one can create up to 5 characters, is it wise to create 1 character to do Gathering (Forester/Hunter/Prospector), 1 for Blacksmith (Armorsmith, Tinker, Weaponsmith), and 1 for Bushcraft (Provisioner/Woodworker/Outfitter), or is it better to couple Forester with Woodworker, Prospector...
  3. C

    Discord vs Discord

    I already have Discord, but when I click on Discord from the drop-down menu here at Embers Adrift it takes me to a web-based Discord page and gives me a new invite. How can I get that Discord channel from the desktop version of Discord? If I search for Embers Adrift from the desktop version I...