Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Shadewe

    A question re: grouping and community

    Hello all, I've been playing this game for a while now, and I took / am taking a small-ish break. The reason for my post though is that, when I do come on, I have been finding that groups are becoming a lot harder to come by / no one is grouping. Is this just bad timing and/or not seeing...
  2. Shadewe

    Happy Festivus all!

    I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it!
  3. Shadewe

    A conversation on Juggernauts

    I got really bothered by a comment I received from someone I was grouped with, and I wanted to discuss it if anyone cares to. He said, "Juggernauts are the 3rd best tank". Is this what people think or just this guy? What is the general thoughts out there on Jugg's? Is there hate for Jugg's or...
  4. Shadewe

    Help re: Brigand gear

    Generally speaking, what extras to people look for in Brigand gear? I'm using imbued daggers almost exclusively and quest/drop daggers if they ever come up and are better. I've been playing all leather, so lots of +Positional there, and the rest of my gear has a smattering of +hit, +1h dam...