Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Z

    Attack on the City

    Oh my god, i am on a Screen O_o
  2. Z

    Is it worth?

    Thx for your answer. The point is, my PC is from .... let me think... VG time :) This means, I can't try AE without buying a new pc. I waited more than 9 years for pantheon now. So I am "hungry" and really really bored of all these mass PvP Games. Thats not my play style. And normally, I would...
  3. Z

    Is it worth?

    Hi guys! I am bored of my RL time sink. So I am really thinking about buying a new PC and giving EA a try. Nonetheless because I thougth I could play VG Emulator again, where I probably would be alone, but EA at least would be new to me. ;) So I am asking, are there people who still play EA or...