Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Humpypants

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    I discovered Embers Adrift a year ago on youtube. Kept track ever since and finally joined for the buy-to-play model. Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift 1. Community interaction. I've been putting myself out there to get to know the community and it doesn't feel like a...
  2. Humpypants

    Multiple accounts > subscribing

    I'm a strict spender because reasons. I'm also very interested in trying another class, but with multiple activite character slots being open to subs only, it looks like a better and cheaper deal to make 2 accounts than to sub beyond 3 months. I can understand selling character slots is a...