Embers Adrift

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Search results

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    Crumbled Note.?

    So nothing to do with it? Just trash it? Bag space hard to come by early on!
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    Crumbled Note.?

    I looted a crumbled note (quest Item) it came of the named 3 chevron at cv. Anyone know what i do with this thing?
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    Question on taunting and Aggro.

    Currently low lvl Knight. Only done Ancient Bear which I had zero problems with holding Aggro using the Urine. My question is, I just tried doing cv east. With Urine my only ingredient, having it checked, I take it, that it's not effective against humanoids, like in the bandit camp. What...
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    Outfitter (Leather Armor Related)

    If im working Heavy Armour, i need straps, what proffesion gets me straps?