Embers Adrift

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  1. T

    Lazy Sunday, ... on a Wednesday.

  2. T

    Is Armorcrafting bugged, still needing parts to be implemented, or have I just not figured it out?

    NVM - Someone explained applying the augments in game. After crafting, right-click on the augment, then click on the appropriate piece of armor and the effect will be applied. It's a timed buff, but that timer only appears when hovering over the piece of equipment. Also, even though it's a...
  3. T

    Is Armorcrafting bugged, still needing parts to be implemented, or have I just not figured it out?

    Yes, armorcrafting in general works - There is a dropdown, but the only selectables are the raw leather choices no matter what strapping is in my bag. Example. Making copper greaves I have Copper Ingots in the left slot. If I hover (i) button over the "Strapping" slot, I can see that it...
  4. T

    Is Armorcrafting bugged, still needing parts to be implemented, or have I just not figured it out?

    When crafting armor components, I can craft a piece of armor using the base materials (leather + metal). However, there's a number of modifying pieces you can also craft (straps, flapping). And the (?) tooltip for crafting for a piece of armor says I can use those pieces to enhance my armor...