Embers Adrift

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Recent content by zimmerbewohner

  1. zimmerbewohner

    Reagent Drops

    Mandrakes also drop Salve and Numbing Agent
  2. zimmerbewohner

    BETA TEST September 14th; what's new?

    My Intention was in the first place to write down, the different approaches I experienced during my time playing MMORPGs. I do agree the one-time use recipes don't really make sense from a "lore" perspective. Also, I agree with you on the ESO crafting system, which is just an artificial...
  3. zimmerbewohner

    BETA TEST September 14th; what's new?

    Feedback on the Northreach dungeon: I had the chance to experience the dungeon last Friday. We entered from the entrance inside the Exile camp. The part until the (first) ember ring, ignoring the one directly at the entrance, felt good-paced and not repetitive. After that point, we came across...
  4. zimmerbewohner

    [Feedback/Impression] Playing Warlord (Lvl 20)

    I don't know where to start. Since I reached yesterday Lvl 20 with my Warlord I thought it might be a good time to write down some impressions and thoughts: TLDR Survivability 5/5 Damage 1/5 Group-Support 5/5 Solo-Play 2-2,5/5 General impression: Why did I choose Warlord? I do...
  5. zimmerbewohner

    BETA TEST September 7th; what's new?

    :D Let's see how good the drop rate is.