Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Trust

  1. T

    Hot Fix June 6th

    Thanks for the fix. I have a question. It looks like every update makes me to download whole game or major part of it. Is it so? With not good bandwith it is a pain
  2. T

    QA May 2023

    Hunt log is the good one. It needs it's own menu and progressive addition of the information about mobs. More kills -> more info, for example about abilities and rare drop
  3. T

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    Looks like you have missed things. Patch note says: - The maximum elevated level a player can be is their current adventuring level +5. - The elevated level does NOT rank up abilities, stats, or health. - NPC chevron colors are still in comparison to your actual adventuring level. - Adventuring...
  4. T

    Loot tables really need some work

    "Levels more important than the gear" sounds VERY strange for me in Embers Adrift. So you focus on lvling, you get 50 and what now? Fighting gray mobs to collect items you overgrew? Where is the challenge and what is the point?
  5. T

    LIVE January 24th; what's new?

    Awesome update. So many good changes. Thank you
  6. T

    LIVE January 17th; what's new?

    Don't you think about showing 0,01%? It might be more clear and everyone would see they own progress. You can always notice +0,01% but the same addition on any bar will be unavailable to see
  7. T

    LIVE January 17th; what's new?

    What is the reason to make 1dmg=1hit=1pen? No variety, no thinking, just grab the higher stats items and that's it
  8. T

    Gathering tools and its recipes

    Does anyone know where in particular it is available to get recipes? I know, that copper axe and copper skinning knife recipes can be obtained from Smuggler Woodsman in Newhaven Valley and Northreach. Tin Axe and tin sickle recipes can be also obtained from Scavengers in Northreach. Tin skinning...
  9. T

    October 27th; what's new?

    If two chars at the same time try to skin, this happens