Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Mallin

  1. M

    Spec Change Pro Cons

    I switched from Warden to Berserker the day before this patch came out funny enough. Since then and with only minimal play time I have gained 14 Spec levels. Again this is with minimal play on this toon. As to how much faster it is i have nothing to compare to as this is my first time doing so...
  2. M

    November 10th; what's new?

    Same here Except I was FINISHED killed spiders in cave and only had to turn in. Did this late last night but logged off as I had work early. Log in today go turn it in and POOF its gone and I get a new quest? Not very happy.
  3. M

    Said before, I'll say it again... inter-class diversity and Beserker rant

    I would like to see further spec options down the road. Example Striker - Warden - Say level 40 new Spec options. Ranger - Druid. Gives players goals and further diversity. Just throwing out ideas. Def - Knight - Paladin or Cavalier. Im sure we could all come up with more specs. LOL
  4. M

    Spec Change Pro Cons

    Considering a Spec change but not sure what the repercussions are. And what the catch up will be. I know I start the spec over at lvl 6. And Have to level the new spec over again. I would assume its less of a grind though? What other Cons are there to doing something like this? Has anyone done...
  5. M

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Ive been onboard since "Saga of Lucimia" So thats Oct 12th then? It states I have "The Adventurer" Product. Though I started playing back in Saga Days.