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Native Linux Client (Experimental)

Set everything to minimum and still have stuttering. Im playing on a AMD 6750 with Arch linux, Xorg and Gnome Shell. CoreCTL Highest Setting is enabled.
I've just installed the latest experimental version on Linux Mint Cinnamon and it runs smooth but I don't see any models at all (player, npcs, mobs, etc.).
Screenshot from 2024-05-05 14-29-41.png
Interestingly, I figured it out by just installing the 4/30 prior to the hotfix released over top of it.
That build has a bug preventing you from teleporting to ember rings from the monolith. I'll get another linux build out today - not sure what the issue was with this one; sorry!
I actually found a few things requiring a patch for everyone tomorrow so I'll have a new one up tomorrow.