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Your dream mmo

I'd love UO style housing and a Lineage2 trading system/economy, but I'm patient.
Did the devs said anything about these features?
I never played UO and L2 but I see them mentioned on forums.
But I don't know how trading in L2 worked.
Also I hear SWG was good but at crafting.
What made the housing interesting in UO? Was it open world or instanced?

I spend about 60% of my gaming time here, 30% in Lotro and 10% in New World, no game needs to be perfect and there is room to play different things casually.
Soon Ashes of Creation will launch. Maybe they succeed where others fail even though I have some doubts.
Both housing and a trading system more sophisticated than the mail system have been discussed many times.
Neither are on the current roadmap, but neither have been ruled out.

I assume that both would require a significant population increase, to allow the devs to add more dev resources to do them.

UO Housing - open world.

This is just one example of what someone designed for themselves.


This is the Lineage2 trading system.
In a nutshell, when you take a break from playing, you leave yourself sitting down in shop mode.

I started in Everquest, so the whole playstyle appeals to me. I am not a fan of 'press button, get loot' games. If I win a fight, I want it to be an achievement. I recently had the pleasure of playing in the Evercraft pre-alpha. This was more polished than most studio's final release. I expected the graphics to annoy me, but you forgot about it, the gameplay was addictive. Gameplay is what I look for ahead of anything else. I don't care overly about graphics(I play Rimworld after all). Too many people focus on great graphics and ignore the fact there should be a solid game behind it.