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You Had Me at ... Central Veins :O


Having spent the past 2 nights exploring caves in Newhaven and Northreach, I felt an obligation to come here and tell everyone at Stormhaven Studios just how blown away I am with the design of your "dungeons".

This is my Jerry McGuire moment.

I have never been so completely lost and turned around in a game, a dungeon or anywhere else. I have forgotten the number of times I thought I hit a dead end — or found an empty room — only to discover a small passage hidden around a corner or behind pile of rubble.

It's been an unexpected and amazing experience, and I can't stop thinking about it.

I started playing Ember's Adrift a few days ago as a free trial member, and I ended today by purchasing the game. It is not a perfect game and you probably get a lot of feedback (I certainly have given my share of it!), but you also deserve a tremendous amount of recognition for some truly stellar work.

One of the many criticisms I and others have of games designed by "AAA studios" is that they don't seem to even play their own games. Their design choices are just that odd in a lot of respects and devoid of any fun. But after navigating through a winding, bending maze of tunnels without any maps or guides and in near total darkness, I'm absolutely convinced that not only do you guys play games but you play your own game.

And it shows in the quality of the experience.

That is the only way to produce something this good. So for all your hard work, for your vision and for achieving what so many larger and better funded studios are increasingly incapable of doing, you have earned my respect and appreciation. So, take my money. It's well deserved. I also plan to subscribe next month.

Keep up the great work. And know that it is a source of much enjoyment and appreciation.
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I also love the size of the "dungeons". It's an adventure in it's own right, just heading down there. Not a 20 minute time waster, that I'll forget as soon as I sleep.