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Why I am staying with Embers Adrift!


Active Member
This is the opposite of one of those "Why I am leaving this game" threads.

Here are my personal reasons why I continue to play Embers Adrift.

1. The community. While still small it is one of the best communities of players, I have played with in a long long time! They are helpful, friendly and also love the game.

2. The game feels familiar yet new at the same time. It plays like some of the original MMORPG's from the past while having some new twist and things I have not encountered before.

3. The Devs are simply some of the best in the business. For such a small indie team they have put out a great game that just gets better with each major patch. ( which by the way is usually every month )

4. They listen to player input while still maintaining their vision for the game. They actually do listen to their players and quite often implement player suggestions. However, unlike other developers they will also let you know why your fantastic over the top idea cannot be implemented into the game or that it might be a while before your idea is going into the game. That shows they care about their community.

5. Bag Runs! So many of today's games have basically no death penalty. Embers Adrift has achieved a good balance of making death hurt but not to the point you want to quit in frustration.

6. No cash shops or micro transactions period! They have stuck to their guns on this one and I for one appreciate their stance on these fees.

7. The monthly subscription. While not for everyone I actually prefer the monthly subscription. It gives those who subscribe a few in game perks that are not groundbreaking. ( such as extra bank slots and character slots ) They have also included a way for players to play the game without the subscription. And per player request a free trial to let players decide if the game is for them or not.

8. As you progress and earn levels especially the milestone levels you actually feel like you earned it. ( the game is not easy; you will not level to max level in a couple of days )

All in all the game is a really good game that is getting better with each patch. The devs are honest with their players and admit in some cases the game needs work in a few areas and they give details on a regular basis of what they are working on. All of the above reasons are why I personally enjoy playing Embers Adrift. I have posted this just to give those who are considering playing this game the views of one of it's players and why the community loves it. Give the game a go. It's not for everyone but for the right people it's the perfect game.
Me and the Wife will be giving this a go today after work, we both been having an itch for a real grindy game small player base just for the better community vibes.

So glad to see you mentioned the community and devs being top notch.

I know the lack of customization will slightly being a negative for her I think the overall grind will be a positive for us.

Can't wait to step foot in WA!