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Tanking mechanics challenge


Our group was lv 7 - 12 in CV1 with myself a Marshal tank at level 10. The challenge constantly is I could not get threat skills to execute many times because of facing problems. The typical pull was I initiated combat, tried a threat skill like threatening strike or provoke, the timer starts the mob moves right on top of me and I am not facing the target, skill resets. This is when the mob is attacking me! Sometimes if the DPS attacked early the mob runs behind me which while frustrating I could understand. This is a big problem, we either need some form of collision so a mob can't run through me or a minimum distance that overrides the facing issue.

Other challenges:

The DPS brigands of 1 or 2 levels higher than me could easily rip agro. Now the mobs usually died pretty fast so it wasn't a party issue but it made me feel optional as a tank.

I had no recourse for ranged archers, as a tank, just let them hit the healer. That makes me feel useful.

If Marshals are the AOE tank we need some help for our Halt skill as it seemed to only affect part of the mobs many times. I assume that too was facing issues. I feel the healer has a lot more threat capabilities than a tank as those threat options don't seem to be directional or require targeting of enemies. That just doesn't make sense.

Recommendations from the tank perspective : Tanks already do reduced damage, our threat (not damage) should affect all mobs in the area just like a heal does. Facing should have a minimum distance where front facing is assumed for a tank. Say 1 or 2 meters basically if the targeting circles overlap. I don't have a recommendation for the archer issue.

Thanks for listening!
Well I am pretty much a new player as well but I think some of those things are design choices and can but avoided with different than normal strats and I would hope is encouraged for a couple reasons. As for the facing issue I as a healer have to face and people like to run from me so it is a tactic to do positionals and face people to heal. This is aided by using tab to target and there is an arrow next to the enemy or even allies to tell you in what direction they are. Helps alot when your in crowds. Slow down a bit and your stuff will go off without a hitch.
As for aggro in a game like this it can be much more volatile and as we fight more red monsters for higher rewards you will see tanks shine more. But still there are balancing things that need to happen.
Ranged Archer I think are meant to be annoying to make us do something normal strats dont work on. Pull out a bow and shoot back or something.
Well I am pretty much a new player as well but I think some of those things are design choices and can but avoided with different than normal strats and I would hope is encouraged for a couple reasons. As for the facing issue I as a healer have to face and people like to run from me so it is a tactic to do positionals and face people to heal. This is aided by using tab to target and there is an arrow next to the enemy or even allies to tell you in what direction they are. Helps alot when your in crowds. Slow down a bit and your stuff will go off without a hitch.
As for aggro in a game like this it can be much more volatile and as we fight more red monsters for higher rewards you will see tanks shine more. But still there are balancing things that need to happen.
Ranged Archer I think are meant to be annoying to make us do something normal strats dont work on. Pull out a bow and shoot back or something.
Unless your healing a NPC that stands on top of you, causing your healing to fail its really not the same thing.
You don´t want to fight red mobs. Personaly i don´t even want to fight yellow mobs as a tank. Your agro is generated thru dmg plus thread mods. If you dont hit you will not generate agro. Red mobs will be difficult to hit and even yellow mobs will get much more glancing hits then white mobs. If you dont do much dmg as a tank you will not generate much agro.
If you have a DD in group who is 1 or two lvl above you they will pull the agro just with normal dmg away from you.
Ranged mobs are a challenge, but there are tactics that can help.

1. Don't chase them around - you may back them into agroing other mobs
2. If there's a convenient corner back them into that - then you can stay in melee range and keep agro that way
3. If no corner you have to stay at range when you have agro (this is 5m for mobs with Heavy XBow and 6m for mobs with Long Bow), if you have agro abilities with this range you can use those to try and maintain agro - if you lose agro you can close to melee to regain agro before then backing away again.

P.S. The reason some mobs do this is that the Heavy XBow and Long Bow have minimum ranges, the mobs will back away to be able to shoot you. In effect they are trying to kite you, much like players can try to do to mobs. Perhaps in the future the game might be changed so these mobs change to a melee weapon, although personally I like the challenge as it's something new.
Ranged mobs seem off. Seemingly able to glid backwards at full speed while shooting.

I couldnt seem to do that as a player when i tried.