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Suggestion For Team Party Window

When using the F- Keys to target your teammates(F2 - F6) can you highlight that person in the party window or show some sort of indication that you targeted that person in the "party window". I know it would help me as a healer. Something, anything, a dot, highlight, different color, something that says , yes I targeted that particular person in the team window. Most MMORPG'S highlight a player when targeted, in the team window. Could be anything, just some indicator. Anyways, my one suggestion after 100 hours. Love the game, Peace and Lasagna/.
When using the F- Keys to target your teammates(F2 - F6) can you highlight that person in the party window or show some sort of indication that you targeted that person in the "party window". I know it would help me as a healer. Something, anything, a dot, highlight, different color, something that says , yes I targeted that particular person in the team window. Most MMORPG'S highlight a player when targeted, in the team window. Could be anything, just some indicator. Anyways, my one suggestion after 100 hours. Love the game, Peace and Lasagna/.
I love me some meat lasagna! Good idea, I'll put it on my list of low hanging fruit and will see what I can do.
Thank you very much for implementing that. It looks awesome, especially when it's dark out. It glows blue. Looks great, thank you.