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Random Caves for small groups or solo players


Would be nice to have random caves you find across the landscape for exploration that you can solo or go in with a 2 man cell. You just walking around the country and you see a cave covered in ferns, curious you go in and find treasure in there or a curious skeleton with a sword stuck in it. Turns out you find its part of a quest back in town but you don't HAVE to have the quest in your log to pick up the quest objectives. When you head back to town to relax you find the NPC that needed the items and you can just hand it to him right there instead of having to get his request. I played RPGs that were like this and it was very enjoyable exploration experience. Doesn't require any kind of loading screen transition, you just see them, you dip in and find stuff and explore.
There are many caves in the game. There are also many quest items you can find before finding the quest.

If you mean randomly generated content, then that seems kind of counter to the design. The game has a fixed world with fixed quests and fixed items intentionally, so that players can progress IRL by learning about the game.

Regardless, for any suggestion to actually be implemented, it has to be either very easy to implement or the absolute highest priority thing. Anything that involves any change to game assets, like character models/animations, graphics textures, terrain, etc. is necessarily very difficult.

I believe they are currently working on adding visual changes to seasons, which is a pretty massive undertaking.