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Feedback Playing on 2nd display (macos)

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I am trying to play the game on my M1 MacBook Pro with an external gaming display, and it is all kinds of hassle. Is there any way for the game to remember which display to use? Right now it always launches on the internal display, and I have to manually turn off fullscreen, then drag the window to the external, and then sometimes I have to change the resolution and move game UI windows because they get shifted around. Often the Window -> Move to <Display> doesn't work either, although that is probably a macos thing.

If there's anything I can do to make this easier, I would appreciate the tips!
I am trying to play the game on my M1 MacBook Pro with an external gaming display, and it is all kinds of hassle. Is there any way for the game to remember which display to use? Right now it always launches on the internal display, and I have to manually turn off fullscreen, then drag the window to the external, and then sometimes I have to change the resolution and move game UI windows because they get shifted around. Often the Window -> Move to <Display> doesn't work either, although that is probably a macos thing.

If there's anything I can do to make this easier, I would appreciate the tips!
Unity is pretty good about remembering which screen the app is opened on. It sounds like you aren't having such luck however. I primarily run an external monitor connected to my mbp but it is the primary monitor, is your primary monitor the laptop screen and the external is your secondary?

Unity applications have command line arguments you can pass, but you'd have to launch the application directly from the command line. It would look something like
./Embers\ Adrift\ Launcher.app/client/live/Embers\ Adrift.app/Contents/MacOS/Embers\ Adrift -monitor N -logFile -
where N is your monitor number.
Unity is pretty good about remembering which screen the app is opened on. It sounds like you aren't having such luck however. I primarily run an external monitor connected to my mbp but it is the primary monitor, is your primary monitor the laptop screen and the external is your secondary?
Yes my laptop screen is primary, I have all my other apps run on the laptop screen, and just the game on the gaming monitor.

Unity applications have command line arguments you can pass, but you'd have to launch the application directly from the command line. It would look something like

where N is your monitor number.
Hm, I will see if that helps. Thanks!
Hey it worked! It's a little clunky but way less clunkly than popping out of fullscreen, dragging a window, changing the resolution, and going back to fullscreen. :-D

Too bad macos/unity doesn't just remember where I had the game running last time.
Hm! Today I spaced out and launched the game from the launcher (on the built-in display), and the game launched on the external! I don't know what happened but I am happy it worked! Maybe you made a change for the latest patch.
Hm! Today I spaced out and launched the game from the launcher (on the built-in display), and the game launched on the external! I don't know what happened but I am happy it worked! Maybe you made a change for the latest patch.
No changes!