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Overworld named mobs at launch


Last night, I and a couple others formed up a team and went into the Exile Fort in Northreach to kill the Overseer and update some quests for others. It was a blast and very challenging; however, I was left with a serious question.. how is Embers Adrift going to handle teams that will camp these "bosses" (for drops) that are needed for a number of quests? And even if they aren't being camped, how will the game be able to handle three or potentially more groups all running around in the fort needing the Torturer, for example, and the respawn time of him?

I've only just joined since the great open beta weekend, so perhaps I've missed some of these discussion points, but this seems like it could be problematic.. hopefully not, obviously. However, I am constantly asking this lingering question in my mind and wondering if a much longer open beta week is planned?
This question was put forward for discussion prior to today's announcement, regarding release. Just for perspective.
I believe Undone has said the spawn system is dynamic and some of the named have placeholders that can spawn in several places. So it might not be feasible for a single group to camp and maintain a stranglehold on a single named enemy.
We are keeping an eye on these mobs specifically. Our stance on quest mobs has shifted slightly and we will be looking to remove rare drops from mobs tied to quests for this reason. Some have undergone this process already. While groups may still camp these areas for other spawns, communicating with other players is ideal when seeking out specific mobs which offer nothing of note to that other group.
We are keeping an eye on these mobs specifically. Our stance on quest mobs has shifted slightly and we will be looking to remove rare drops from mobs tied to quests for this reason. Some have undergone this process already. While groups may still camp these areas for other spawns, communicating with other players is ideal when seeking out specific mobs which offer nothing of note to that other group.
Would it be possible to mark these named quest mobs with a symbol on their nameplate so people know they're not going to drop rare loot?
We are keeping an eye on these mobs specifically. Our stance on quest mobs has shifted slightly and we will be looking to remove rare drops from mobs tied to quests for this reason. Some have undergone this process already. While groups may still camp these areas for other spawns, communicating with other players is ideal when seeking out specific mobs which offer nothing of note to that other group.
So glad to hear this. The ability to be flexible in how certain systems, within a game, function is a great sign of things to come. Respect.
Just want to say, probably deserves its own thread but some of the named mobs have brilliant models, 'Knave of Harts' on the first map is brilliant, bravo dev team!