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Outfitter (Leather Armor Related)

Ravenwolf Silvermoon

Well-Known Member
Hello. Have some leather armour info to share. These are made with the merchant bought Coarse Thread, so no stat bonuses. I did not have any cotton or linen thread on hand at the time. But will try to update this info later this weekend or next week. As you can see, each range level has a different style look. Not sure what level 40 and 50 looks like. As mentioned earlier on the metal armour post, it become monotonous after while and I was very sleepy. These where made with Deer Leather (do have 80-162 different carcass (Tier 1 and Tier 2) of each animal type in bank, if I do have time, will make one set of each later or when I get to it.
Deer Leather Cuirass 02.jpg

Would like to see what the visual look is on our character when worn. Will try to do a fashion/style section/post later maybe.
Hello. Have some belts, deer belts. From different level range and different metal types. Will try to post updated belt info when I get more Zink and Brass ingots. Using Rabbit, Boar, Bear, Racoon, and Wolf leather will give you different results. From stat modifiers, armor class, and especially durability bonus. And of course, level and quality of item will be different between fellow Outfitters.
Deer Leather Belt 02.jpg
Thank you Ravenwolf, this is very nice. I have a very basic question though, how do we Outfit? Is it a profession or do we need to visit an NPC that does this?
Thank you Ravenwolf, this is very nice. I have a very basic question though, how do we Outfit? Is it a profession or do we need to visit an NPC that does this?
This post no longer applies as things have changed, but Outfitter in a crafting Profession.
Hello. @Icdcoffee, do you mean how do you make/craft armor/clothing with Outfitter? If so, you may select it as a Crafting Profession when you start, or at level 6. If you choose it at level 6, you may have to visit the Third Ember Ring in South Newhaven. One of the small table/merchants will have options to select said crafting profession. Usually when one start out, they choose Prospecting, Hunting, or Forestry. When you achieve level 6 in crafting skills, you can then choose another crafting skill, Outfitting, Weaponsmith, or Provisioner. Hope that helps.

Oh you also need to acquire resources, materials, items, to refine them into said sub components. If you do not have the resources/materials needed, you can get them from trade with other players or through your Alt character(s) and make them into clothing, armor and jewelry at the refinement table.