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Looting for Alts


Is it bad eudicot for me to loot for my alts while in a group? Now here me out. I pay to have 3 slots. I pay to have a shared bank account. All my guys work as a team for crafting. Shouldn't I be able to loot for them as well? Thoughts?
That's something you'd need to discuss with the groups you're joining. Typically you're expected to roll need only on the things you need for that character, because if you're rolling Need for all your characters all the time, then you could be taking away an upgrade for the person in your group who is actually performing that job at the time.
If you are running with guild members and all of your characters are in the same guild I'd say discuss every Need before doing it.

Otherwise just Need for your current character if you want to keep getting groups.
I only need on items that are upgrades for the current character and class. Items for alts I use greed, and hit pass on everything else.
It is absolutely poor etiquette to expect to loot for your alts. The group is not there to support your crafting habits or greed. Unless you ask, and they all agree, you should only be rolling need on items the character in the group will use directly. Else, you should greed. That is what you are doing, being greedy. This is not a new concept and is as old as the modern MMO genre.
Thank you all for the input. I have changed the way I loot. Its been a long time since I have actually grouped in a MMO I usually solo. It really didn't even dawn on me until someone asked why I was looting something my toon couldn't use. Out of my 3 toons 1 of them is basically just a crafter. He doesn't do much adventuring and that's when I figured I could just loot recopies and matts for him. Guess he's going to have to go fight now :)

Thanks, again for the input.
Thank you all for the input. I have changed the way I loot. Its been a long time since I have actually grouped in a MMO I usually solo. It really didn't even dawn on me until someone asked why I was looting something my toon couldn't use. Out of my 3 toons 1 of them is basically just a crafter. He doesn't do much adventuring and that's when I figured I could just loot recopies and matts for him. Guess he's going to have to go fight now :)

Thanks, again for the input.
Your crafter is going to need to do some adventuring anyway. You can only raise your crafting skills 10 levels higher than the characters level, so the crafter would need to be at least level 40 to get to level 50 in their chosen professions.
Thank you all for the input. I have changed the way I loot. Its been a long time since I have actually grouped in a MMO I usually solo. It really didn't even dawn on me until someone asked why I was looting something my toon couldn't use. Out of my 3 toons 1 of them is basically just a crafter. He doesn't do much adventuring and that's when I figured I could just loot recopies and matts for him. Guess he's going to have to go fight now :)

Thanks, again for the input.

Hey! I command you for communicating with the community and see what everyone is thinking.
I do believe that the key is communication. Before to start your adventure, you ask other players what they think. If you set up your group, you are free to set up YOUR loot rules, and then announce it to everyone.
In general, however, the loot rule is to loot for the character you currently play (may it be a main or an alt). That doesn't forbid you to ask for extra, for example "guys, do you mind I need on the reagent for my alt" or "guys, I'm really trying to get more woodworker reciepe for my crafters, do you mind if I need". Poeple are usually friendly and generous, you will see. But always ask before hand to avoid confusion and hard feelings.