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Key friend dont working


New Member
i have a key friend for this game, but when i put in the box, appear a big error message at right up side. What i can to do?
i have a key friend for this game, but when i put in the box, appear a big error message at right up side. What i can to do?

Can you post a screenshot of the error, or the error message text? (blank out your key and any sensitive information)
It's likely because you have a gift key for the full retail game but you already own it. To confirm that though I would need to know what error you are getting
It's likely because you have a gift key for the full retail game but you already own it. To confirm that though I would need to know what error you are getting
sorry i was mistakely send the screenshot from email, so this is why im so slow.
@Taitans it looks like have already added a key though. You can't use another one, a friend key is single-use only instead of buying the game + 1 month subscription, the key gives you the game + 1 month of subscription instead. It looks to me like you've cancelled your subscription, still have time remaining on it, and are trying to use a friend key to give you an addition 30 days of play time. The keys don't work like that, they're valid for brand new accounts only.
