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Embers Adrift

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FIXED How do I log in?


New Member
So when I try to log in I receive "User not found" but I didn't really find any information on the forums regarding this outside of password length. I can say my password isn't an obscene length but a security standard and I've also tried resetting it and still receive the same message. I've also tried using my email instead and reinstalling the game to no avail.

And obviously the password and login work on the website since I'm able to post here. I will also add if I purposely enter in the wrong password I get an "invalid password error" instead of the "user not found".
Ah I think I figured it out. I haven't played since the beta I think and now I guess the game isn't free to play but requires a purchase? That's my guess anyways. Should probably update the "User not found" messaging to "You need to purchase to play" or something if that is the case.
Heya @yosimba - The game requiere to be purchased to be played, indeed. However, we are currently working on a FREE TRIAL (announced in this thread) that should be avalaible, end of February. You do not have much time to wait.
However, if you played the beta, you should have pre-purchased the game. Unless you joined during one of our free weekend? In the case you purchased the game during the beta, you should have access now. The monthly subscription is now optional.