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Feedback from Beta (up to 9th lvl with CV dungeon crawl)


Found a few issues as I was playing, had a load of fun so far though!

Started as a striker (then became a brigand). Hunting/outfitter.

Assuming this has been reported many times, but switching weapon stances (bow to melee) mid-combat ends up keeping my bow in hands, and completes the animations from the melee weapons (my character looked like he was punching the mobs with a bow in hand) instead of sword/axe being ready. After fight the sword/axe appeared in hands. I had a lot of laughs at this though with my friends, almost fell off my chair laughing as people were commenting heavily on how it looked.

I run out of stamina very quickly, and the auto attack seems super slow; not sure if this gets better at higher level. I wasn't really able to find anything to regen my stamina quicker, so was constantly sitting after almost every mob (or 1-2 mobs) which is fine, just wondering if there could be (maybe there are?) ways of getting stamina to regen while running/standing at lower level quicker, maybe I missed something.

I think the level of the smugglers outside (where the weapons cache area is) are a bit of an under con, not sure if an additional chevron could be added to them (or some kind of additional indicator).. I also couldn't harvest/skin their bodies (which I guess is good, as that might be kind of gorey/odd), but if you harvested/skinned them then maybe a trophy could be pulled (an ear or finger) at very low random chance, which could be sold or put on a necklace? Maybe this would be too much, or lose focus on the fun/pace doing this.

I thought the amount of random things dropping from animals was good, they sold and I got enough money to keep me going; it was a good balance. Not much armor/lowbie items were dropping, but I found in the CV dungeon this was much better, which makes sense to have to go to a dungeon for items. The diseased skins though dropped, I couldnt find a quest npc for them (people in global said they were for a quest) ended up destroying them for room, maybe items could have a 'quest' tag on them, not sure if that would ruin things though for some.

Hunting; skinning seemed to take a long time to action, group didn't want to hang around as I skinned everything and we were fighting over who was skinning what.. ended up not bothering so others could skin (then ran off to kill greens when I was alone to level my skinning). Had to wait until the mob was fully looted to start skinning it, I think it would be nice if we could skin it even if there was loot on it; and then after it was skinned/looted the body would disappear. In a fight with 2-3 mobs this was especially bad, as everyone was trying to fight; and I was trying to just skin.. lol.. overall I really liked the process though, it gave me something to do other than just levelling up (which I did slowly while killing greens anyway).

Outfitter didn't seem like it was something I could do alone (I know I'm supposed to have friends around or people to buy/attain items from) but all I could do with hunter/outfitter (it seemed) was attain purchased thread, combine them with my hides and then destroy the pieces (if there was some kind of trading booth where I could sell things it may have been better for me), I gave up on the idea of giving stuff away as there were already a lot of people doing that, and my guild isn't really around yet. I also couldn't do the linen cloth pants question; as I had no cloth to combine, so I'm leaving that until later. The leather armor I made ended up a bit heavy (not sure if there is a random weight applied when the item is made, or if that could be added; maybe this happens later); or if an added item could go in to make it lighter? As a striker/brigand I don't have too great of a weight limit, but I noticed as I was levelling that I had an increase to my weight limit, which was nice.

CV dungeon, the pathing seemed really good at most spots (we came to one named smuggler with a destroyed wall/rubble just to the left of where him and his buddy were); we crawled around the corner and pulled, but the mobs didn't seem to path over the rubble very well, they got stuck maybe and went home. The dungeon loot seemed really good; and dropped frequently enough (I didn't win a nice mask that dropped, sadly). I don't know if the dungeon repopped.. but a friend of mine went in with me alone, we killed 20 or so mobs and then died.. when we got back to the start there were 4 others there who we grouped with (I thought the dungeon was an instance though as when we came in it took a very long time to load the first time, and was fully popped, we were surprised there were people at the start when we respawned from dying). I think we did the entire map but it didn't seemed intuititve to find our ways around; not sure if it would be possible to put some kind of markers around, or even let us spray the walls (or drop stones, or something) so we could see where we had been (maybe they would be personal to a person, and then auto destroy after a few hours; to reduce clutter). The lighting was awesome, and the depth of the dungeon was amazing; most of the pathing was great, the frequency of mobs was really good; it was overall just a great time! I got two nice shiny new daggers, a pair of 60 ac pants dropped for our tank, the nice mask (I didn't win...). One comment the group had was that we hoped we would meet up with an anvil somewhere to repair mid dungeon, we didn't see one (could this be added somewhere, maybe around the spider area, or the big group of smugglers near the bottom?). At the bottom where all of that big group of smugglers were, there was a named with a bow.. she didn't want to get in melee and and constantly was backing up, we had to chase her as she backed up constantly up a really long cave area) I guess she only had a bow to use and didn't want to use it at short range, we killed her eventually.

Thank you for the fun in the open beta, having a great time so far.

Fallout (Decisive Gamers)
Thanks for the feedback. That animation issue can definitely be a laugh, definitely something we are working to track down though. With running out of stamina very quickly, were you using the "Strike" ability frequently? And were you using any player-crafted tea for additional stamina regeneration?

Stamina definitely improves as you get regen gear and access to better crafted consumables, I did noticed early on that it was frequently an issue.
Thank you so much for testing and for your detalled feedback!
I also couldn't harvest/skin their bodies (which I guess is good, as that might be kind of gorey/odd), but if you harvested/skinned them then maybe a trophy could be pulled (an ear or finger) at very low random chance, which could be sold or put on a necklace? Maybe this would be too much, or lose focus on the fun/pace doing this.
Hahahahahahhahaha ... I think... we will not add that lol! Appreciate the suggestion though
Thanks for the feedback. That animation issue can definitely be a laugh, definitely something we are working to track down though. With running out of stamina very quickly, were you using the "Strike" ability frequently? And were you using any player-crafted tea for additional stamina regeneration?

Stamina definitely improves as you get regen gear and access to better crafted consumables, I did noticed early on that it was frequently an issue.
Anything to add into the sta regen sounds wonderful! I'll see about how I can get this made and definitely get some; thank you for the response :)