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Discord vs Discord


New Member
I already have Discord, but when I click on Discord from the drop-down menu here at Embers Adrift it takes me to a web-based Discord page and gives me a new invite. How can I get that Discord channel from the desktop version of Discord? If I search for Embers Adrift from the desktop version I find an Embers Adrift community that looks nothing like the one displayed on the web-based version.
I already have Discord, but when I click on Discord from the drop-down menu here at Embers Adrift it takes me to a web-based Discord page and gives me a new invite. How can I get that Discord channel from the desktop version of Discord? If I search for Embers Adrift from the desktop version I find an Embers Adrift community that looks nothing like the one displayed on the web-based version.
Figured it out. When you get the web-based browser invite to Discord copy that link, then paste it into your desktop version of Discord's join a server link.