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Caster Class Idea: Scholar


So I got this idea while I was roleplaying a scholar/curator on Skyrim and being a monk in Kingdom Come Deliverance. What if there was a scholar class in this game as the closest thing to a caster? A scholar would dabble in books, they're focused on uncovering the secrets of the ruins. They feel very adventurous but come from a kind of hermitic place like the monastery where they spent most of their lives reading books. They can dabble in some form of self-found alchemy that is what looks like magic but isn't really magic magic if you know what I mean. So instead of throwing fireballs in their hands, they keep a ball drenched in oil in their sleeves and light it and throw it at the enemy while giving the illusion they threw a fireball. So more like a stage magician than a real wizard. I also kind of got the idea from the Loremaster of Lord of the Rings Online that is also very low fantasy magic. The scholar can also curate items, they're archaeologists that know the value of the items they uncover from dungeons and can sell for higher prices. They will be important to take to dungeons to read inscriptions, disable traps, uncover hidden loot etc. Their types of weapons are staffs, swords and probably a new weapon like a sling shot. In the case of slinging balls of alchemy they would use a sling shot to throw them. Kind of the way it was done in Plagued Tale.

They're not very high magic invasive and give a sense of mystery on how they make their alchemy look like "spells."
Very good ideas, but unfortunately we do not have the time/team/ressource to work on creating a new classe for now (or anytime soon).
Maybe one day. Like housing. :)