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QA April 6th, 2024


Stormhaven Studios
  • Adjust map dropdown so that scrolling is no longer required even if all maps are discovered
  • Fixed an issue where Ember Ring teleport buttons were not present if you selected a different map while at a monolith and then changed back to the current map.
  • Properly migrating level up potions in the QA zone (they are still named incorrectly)
  • First "proper" pass at cost to mail items.
  • Adjustments to Blightroot Grove spawns to reduce multi chevron mobs from sneaking into the solo loop.
  • Fixed a level compression issue with higher level NPC resists. They should be back to where they belong (same status as live).
  • Adjusted the level curve for levels 1-4 to more closely match live's current starting levels.
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Did some functional testing on items 1 and 4
Not planning to do any regression testing yet, will wait for the next build.

- Same issue mailing to Torc (as expected)
- Map zooming is solid now
- Mail costs are obviously much better now.

On mailing to alts - I was really hoping that I could go hunting, head to wherever I normally repair and sell, and mail regs farmed to my alts.
In theory I can of course, I can mail them all to one toon on my second account and they can later mail them to the toons on my main account.

But that of course requires you to at least have an unsubbed second account.
I'm sure you guys have added restrictions for good reasons, just expressing what I planned to use mail for, for the majority of the time.

As it currently stands I have a choice to vendor those 20 pheromones to make bag space or mail them to the second account and pay 2x the mail cost to get them where I want, will probably vendor them, maybe, not sure.

The obvious other solution is to have more shared storage locations, never really understood the problem with that.

Anyway, just giving you my perspective.
Did some functional testing on items 1 and 4
Not planning to do any regression testing yet, will wait for the next build.

- Same issue mailing to Torc (as expected)
- Map zooming is solid now
- Mail costs are obviously much better now.

On mailing to alts - I was really hoping that I could go hunting, head to wherever I normally repair and sell, and mail regs farmed to my alts.
In theory I can of course, I can mail them all to one toon on my second account and they can later mail them to the toons on my main account.

But that of course requires you to at least have an unsubbed second account.
I'm sure you guys have added restrictions for good reasons, just expressing what I planned to use mail for, for the majority of the time.

As it currently stands I have a choice to vendor those 20 pheromones to make bag space or mail them to the second account and pay 2x the mail cost to get them where I want, will probably vendor them, maybe, not sure.

The obvious other solution is to have more shared storage locations, never really understood the problem with that.

Anyway, just giving you my perspective.
Appreciate the testing. Mail was not intended to be a substitute for the shared bank and/or a time-delayed storage mechanism. We do however, recognize that it is unavoidable to some degree, but we're trying to disincentivize that by preventing you from mailing your own characters.