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Feedback Alchemy 1 & 2 Need Separate Cooldowns (Please)

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I've said this in various places, but figured it warranted its own thread. I'll preface all this by saying I really love the concept of the Alchemy system, both in terms of lore and gameplay. It's unique, feels powerful for the most part, and fits both fun and lore. Just needs a little adjusting:

I've noticed that using Alchemy 2 prevents you from using Alchemy 1 for 10 minutes. This only discourages the use of A2. Players shouldn't be punished for using the better skill, but rather encouraged - and we can plan for the higher EE costs. If I want to blow all my EE using both A1 and A2, I should be able to. Really tough sell at this point because if you use A2 for all skills, you can't use any Alchemy for 10 minutes. I never use A2 skills for that reason.

TL;DR: I'm fine with the 10 minute cooldown for A2. It just needs to not apply to A1. They should have synergy, not compete against each other.