Embers Adrift

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  1. S

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    I looked at it briefly and thought it had the same stats but 20s instead of 30s cooldown and appeared to have the same 3x multiplier. Apologies if this isn't accurate. How is it different, since I can't look at it now?
  2. S

    LIVE March 28th; what's new?

    With the buffs to breach and addition of duelist execute Brigand has two abilities that are almost strictly worse than other classes' version of those abilities. At least if duelist's execute went live as I saw it in QA, haven't seen it in live yet. Overpower is less damage with a longer...
  3. S

    Is there a mandrake Tea recipe Dev please respond

    Where did you farm this?
  4. S

    November 10th; what's new?

    Is this where I come to whine about patch notes? I don't know if stacking dazes was an issue but so far I'm getting 3s dazes on named mobs which is 90% resistance. I'm not sure you'd regularly even stop abilities with it at such a low duration.
  5. S

    BETA TEST September 28th; what's new?

    Was experience altered in the latest patch? At 29 it feels significantly slower than last week.