Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. M

    Quantum Time Distortion when stunned?

    Guess when you are stunned/ frozen so can't "complete current action /"prepare/windup" for next action". At least, that's how I see it. Auto attack however is unaffected..
  2. M

    Is there a mandrake Tea recipe Dev please respond

    Been at mandrakes for hours and hours now, got 100s of Mandrake fibre and leaves, not a single Mandrake recipe. This includes many cycles of ashen too.
  3. M

    Alices Beginner Guide

    Thanks for the detailed guide. Hopefully an admin can sticky it!
  4. M

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Can you change your character looks post creation?
  5. M

    Alices Beginner Guide

    Also, in bottom where by default you seen exp needed for next level, you can click and choose your profession also, to see exp gain. Useful when mass refining etc. Just remember to change back to your class once done, so it is not misleading when our exposing.
  6. M

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    What Ranarius said - remember the target audience is older, and we really don't trawl through Discord! :)
  7. M

    Introduce yourself

    You should also introduce yourself to us, in the same format! :P
  8. M

    Introduce yourself

    Nickname: Dury / Valmiki / MeleeGibson IRL Location: Madras, India (I know - Sadly in India MMOs are unknown, ARPGs / Mobile games seem to be popular!) First language: Tamil year of birth: 1971 How did you ended on this forum?: Stumbled on to it, honestly. What interest you most about Embers...
  9. M

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Slightly off topic, apologies. Is there a plan to market this before release, in the coming days? There is a large (and age-wise older) population of MMOers from the late 90s (UO, EQ1, AC time) - who hanker for the old-time style MMOs. In Chat in EQ1, or other games it often comes up - and...