Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Blaike

    What are you playing currently?

    Wurm online for the last 9 years. 7 days to die modded. and Elite dangerous sometimes but Wurm take up 90% of my gaming time.
  2. Blaike

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Thanks. I have watched many videos and am quite taken by this game. I don't mind slow and tactical. I have been playing Wurm online for 9 years and thats slow :)
  3. Blaike

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Thanks for the reply. I shall purchase the game and cya soon.
  4. Blaike

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Hello. I only discovered this game in the last week and am quite excited. Just a few questions before I buy it. Are there separate servers per region. Is the release this year. What is the subscription price and will there be a one year sub option. And is there a list of weapons and armour...
  5. Blaike

    Introduce yourself

    Nickname: Blaike IRL Location: Uk First language: English year of birth:1958 How did you ended on this forum?: I watch a video of up coming mmo's and was taken by this one. What interest you most about Embers Adrift? I like the look and the feel and reminds me of mmo's I played years ago...