Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Sarsberry

    QA March 2023

    I'm definitely digging the first person camera. It'll be especially handy in claustrophobic areas, like dungeon hallways. I could see larger weapons potentially obscuring the view during combat though. I suppose care will have to be taken to make sure that doesn't happen. It might be wise to...
  2. Sarsberry

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    There are no races to choose from. You have to be human. But body shape and size are quite customizable, so you can have a character that looks like a dwarf or whatever. Here is some info on this site that's probably worth browsing: Lore - https://www.embersadrift.com/Lore Classes -...
  3. Sarsberry

    Player Created Quest Spoilers and Maps

    That's something I'd be very interested in seeing, but I assume the archives are from the alpha forums? As a beta purchaser, I suppose I don't have access to any of that.
  4. Sarsberry

    Player Created Quest Spoilers and Maps

    I'd love to see some hand drawn dungeon maps. There's something oddly satisfying about those old school Everquest player-made maps. I don't think I have the talent or the patience to make one myself though.