Embers Adrift

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  1. Colanius

    Embers Weapons Comparison Chart

    I like your Google doc, it's way better, faster and easier to navigate and compare weapons than the wiki going back and forth. Great job!
  2. Colanius

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I think that the main reason they don't do this is because if you can buy extra storage/character slots the whole "sub" would become pointless (and financially bad for them) with just a one-time purchase of those items. Think about it, Without the said perks, what else does the sub give you...
  3. Colanius

    Is it worth?

    If you're hyped for Pantheon I must warn you that EA and Pantheon only share the "old school vibe", but it is not "the alternative" EA is low fantasy. This means no magic, no magic classes, and no magic skills, monsters, places, etc. It's all more "grounded", recently and in the higher levels...
  4. Colanius

    Is it worth?

    Try it first. When you reach lvl 15-20 come back and we'll discuss it.
  5. Colanius

    Embers Adrift in the Year 2525:

    I agree that bots could help alleviate the grouping process, but I do not agree with being able to take them everywhere like dungeons. I think it could be a good option for people wanting to solo to take between 1 and 2 bots with you to solo 2 or 3 chevs farming spots in the overworld only. I...
  6. Colanius

    QA August 2023

    Please you already make a step in the right direction, let instants be instants. Stop with the cast/execution bar nonsense. Again, stop listening to the few ultra hardcore fans, they will not keep your game alive in the long run alone.
  7. Colanius

    Dungeons how to improve them

    And what will you propose then? because how it is now, it's just still Classic wow but with only auto-attacks.
  8. Colanius

    Would you use a message board if the game provided one in game?

    I would rather have a better matchmaking tool within the "O" hotkey that can be accessed anywhere with the things you're suggesting. It's just already annoying needing to go back to town for the shared stash, I don't want to be on the other side of the world just come back all the way back to...
  9. Colanius

    Dungeons how to improve them

    Running dungeons all day, I noticed how simplistic and yawn-inducing they are, there's no challenge, no mechanic, only a wonky pull/leash system and tank and spank. Here are my suggestions on how to improve them a little, also pushing every role inside a party to actually make people work and...
  10. Colanius

    Gear and Stats

    Irrelevant to the topic my friend. You're going to blacklist me because I complain in the forums? Surprise it will be my name.
  11. Colanius

    Gear and Stats

    Agreed, specially healer gear with +healing, there's no healing main-hand weapon for example. Many of the armor stats are useless, why I want +positional or +combat movement as a healer? I want full gear with +healing on it or at least make the +positional gear to have the option to have...
  12. Colanius

    Named Monster List?

    You have a lot of info from the wiki: https://embers-adrift.wiki/wiki/Main_Page Click on the map squares to see everything each map has, including quest steps and named mobs. For Example, NorthReach named mobs: https://embers-adrift.wiki/wiki/Northreach#Named: For quest rewards check this...
  13. Colanius

    A Poll About Grouping Preferences

    I like to play most of my time solo, but I can join any group if they are running a dungeon of my interest or they are xp grinding for long periods. But I prefer to do solo, for quests I always try the solo approach first, for some it can be done, for others emptying your bags and doing a...
  14. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    Because they already stated that they can add the option (Undone itself said so), but they were listening to feedback and understanding why people disliked the night first, so I gave my feedback.
  15. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    People was avoiding the zone entirely, that was not intended gameplay. It wasn't "a sense of danger" it was just annoying to go through it. Night in this game is the same, I just want to be able to get rid of it without impacting in other people's experience. Why are you so adamant into open to...
  16. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    Again, all that you mentioned should be cosmetic and optional. Day/Night cycle will keep carrying on, including monster cycles. I'm just asking for a slider option in the settings to be able to turn it off and on as people desire. Do you want immersion? go full slider. Do you want to farm nodes...
  17. Colanius

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift I was hungry for a new and decent, slow-paced, holy trinity and tab targeting MMO to call home. Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift 1. Holy Trinity (thank god one game that is not an all dps fiesta like modern games) 2...
  18. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    Why is it that every white knight defending this game has to be rude? Does moderation is non-existent here? Also again, I'm not asking it to be removed, I just want to be able to make it brighter TO ME, not for everyone else, like an optional thing you know?. Go fumble in the dark all you want...
  19. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    You talk about immersion and advantage, those are not synonyms... If you like immersion there's nothing wrong with people who don't like it to be able to opt it out. Advantage? Over whom? just because I see some nodes far away? resources are not scarce, there are almost no people on the maps so...
  20. Colanius

    Night needs to be adjusted

    And why your opinion is more valid than mine? I too want to uninstall because it is the way it is. Also if you took the effort to read all my post you then also read that I don't want it to be removed, I just want a slider option to negate the effect, so you can be running in the dark all you...