Embers Adrift

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  1. Ceorn

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    scheduled downtime
  2. Ceorn

    Happy Festivus all!

    Merry Christmas all! It was really kool listening to the discord chat last night including some of the devs! Keep up the work. Re-occuring sub now... here for the long haul! Khern on Discord. Ceorn/Hhern/Glencoe/Silverfur/Yule in game - Ceorn is main
  3. Ceorn

    LIVE December 19th; what's new?

    Thanks for the Update! Merry Christmas!
  4. Ceorn

    I took the dwarves into Moria

    Great Pic!
  5. Ceorn

    Introduce yourself

    Nickname: Ceorn IRL Location: Canada First language: English year of birth: Old How did you ended on this forum?: Youtube Video What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Classic old school MMO Kids - yes Pets- dog, birds Significant other?- married Astral Sign Favourite MMORPG - Everquest...