Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    Ty again for the reply,just so you know all my concerns are coming from a good place,I truly am interested in the game and I am quite sure I will purchase it in the future. I wish you all the best,the MMO genre desperately needs this style of MMO with all the modern graphics and animations...
  2. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    Hey there ty for replying, yes I have watched alot of Nathans video and yours also,I feel my reluctance to dive in is being misconstrued, its not the cost per se, its cost vs player count and how important population is to an MMO of this type, posts on this very board are relaying my exact...
  3. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    At the full not on sale price its over 70 dollars canadian,on sale there adding 5% gst and other taxes,the on sale cost is 39 something at the end.Now as per whats fair isnt really the question,common costs on small team early access titles is around 20-30 dollars,there may be higher outliers...
  4. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    See a part of my reluctance is the cost yes,but its more so the fact it appears to be creating a barrier of entry for many new players, and in a game that requires groups to advance the smaller population seems to be a serious hinderance.I dont think Id enjoy spending half my limited play time...
  5. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    After doing more research on the game I feel the cost is not justified and I dont really get it,unless the devs feel server cant handle more people so they price it high to just get the more old school dedicated MMO types "like me,played UO day 1 and beta tested EQ for over a year then played...
  6. R

    This game worth 40 on sale to 70 not on sale Canadian dollars ?

    Im interested in this game but man it seems steep cost considering it has an option perk sub also,the Canadian to US conversion seems higher also for some reason. Is it as good as a AA-AAA titles cost wise at this point ?