Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. KinkyJalepeno

    Long Term Stuff: Housing - Instanced vs NonInstanced

    I would be more than happy with instanced housing like my EQ2 days, especially if you can set up shop in there to sell ya goods. This though really needs an AH, which I would like to see, even if it just tells you who is selling and where if you want to go buy from them. We don't even need to...
  2. KinkyJalepeno

    Helpful tips for beginning players

    Get out ya solo shell and shout for a group - you'll need to for the better content and you get more XP !
  3. KinkyJalepeno

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Hi all, New subber here with some idle questions out of curiosity.. 1. Are there plans for a basic quest tracker in the main UI? 2. Are there plans for something akin to an AH? 3. Any plans for group based harvesting. Harvest as a group for larger yields, introduce special mats in zones that...
  4. KinkyJalepeno

    DLSS is a freaking success!

    New player here, yeah I noticed that.. Seems it's shadows occluding them, or where they would be if it was night time near a light source.
  5. KinkyJalepeno

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    Well as my edit said - The £30 entry free should mitigate the risk, so all in all a good move.
  6. KinkyJalepeno

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    While the overall premise for this move is sound. I just hope the quality of the In-game community doesn't dip too far when the inevitable moaners and trolls turn up. Mind you, the £30 entry fee will mitigate that.