Embers Adrift

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  1. R

    hey in what game time u playing?

    hey in what game time u playing?
  2. R

    so 8-11 am est?

    so 8-11 am est?
  3. R

    hey there, what are your playtimes?

    hey there, what are your playtimes?
  4. R

    in what timezone u playing and what are ur play times?

    in what timezone u playing and what are ur play times?
  5. R

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    Just read from a guy who bought the game yesterday and he had to buy an sub additionally to his already purchased game? It seems to be the case since 2nd june.And yes, that definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth and feeling less inclined to buy the game if they took away that 10 dollar worth.