Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. S

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    Quick update to my previous post: Spent the weekend with my wife and kids, wasn't able to further test Proton vs native, but I will be purchasing Embers this month in order to continue testing between both clients. While I agree that Proton is great, the native client is very much preferred and...
  2. S

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    Alrighty, found the time to jump in too. I can confirm what Seph said, the game runs fine as far as I can tell, no stability issues thus far, but poor performance / fps is an issue for sure. Potato mode is giving me around 10-20 fps at 1080p resolution in the starting area slaying deers. I can...
  3. S

    Native Linux Client (Experimental)

    Hey there, just woke up and thought I'd register to these forums just to say: Way to go, thanks for supporting Linux natively! I found out about this during one of Nathan Napalms Youtube streams recently, and couldn't believe that you guys now support Windows, Mac and Linux altogether. This is a...