Embers Adrift

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  1. Vangard

    Lore and Roleplay

    Know this is an old post but I would be so interested in roleplay for this game
  2. Vangard

    PSA to the community about the "Tank Tax"

    "Tank tax" is good to consider as i am new ti the game and was instantly interested in the juggernaut roll. It is very realistic that the forward moving part of the group would get the most abuse and in turn the largest repair bill. Having good pals that will take care of their tank (if not a...
  3. Vangard

    Elloa's group - Play with me every Tuesday after the maintenance!

    @Eolla - very cool! Love the idea of you having a charater to play with the community! I just bought the game this morning and am addicted. Hope to see you one of these Tuesdays!