Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Inqr

    Juggernaut (State of March'23)

    It all depends on your expectations. Zerker is a button mashing high dps class that can be geared to do high damage through Haste and auto-attack. Powerful but somewhat mindless. Jugg is a DPS tank. Highest damage of the tanks and easiest AOE threat generation but lower survivability...
  2. Inqr

    Juggernaut (State of March'23)

    It got better, many of the issues were addressed. But you are always looking at a tank with lower mitigation that will take big hits when they're on cooldown for they abilities or they run out of stamina. Knights base mitigation amounts always mean smaller hits and more survivability. The issue...
  3. Inqr

    Juggernaut (State of March'23)

    Jugg has abilities that mitigate damage but the player has to activate them at the proper moments. They have damage and some AOE but they suffer on long fights when you keep getting adds. Then their innate lower mitigation is felt and they take big hits.
  4. Inqr

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    Next time I ever take a test, I'll just answer C down the whole paper but I'll treat the proctor with kindness. I'm sure they'll just give me a 100.
  5. Inqr

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    Crossbow range is very short, why not have more options on gear and have that important range to pull with (adds utility to the group).
  6. Inqr

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    I'll be honest, I enjoy the game and it's Old School feel. But I would love to see more developed character classes for sure. The classes are not deep at all, that should be a concern for player retention.
  7. Inqr

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    What an enemy has equipped has zero to do with how a player class operates. Players do not equal mobs. GIving a Sentinel a shield adds an interesting option to the class, the same with Dual Wield for Dualists or the bow for a Warlord. We as players want more options not less. This game needs...
  8. Inqr

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    Sentinel is tanky, give them the ability to use a shield. Duelist is supposed to be dps-y give them the ability to dual wield Warlord is a Bard so is roguish-give them the ability to use a short bow Thoughts?
  9. Inqr

    Juggernaut (State of March'23)

    My take, due to skills, polearm/spear is for Marshal.
  10. Inqr

    Juggernaut (State of March'23)

    I was in that discussion (Zardoz) and I believe I started all the Juggernaut talk (and Barb bashing). I was concerned that Barbarian had dps, aoe dps, auto-attack dps, highest armor of dps classes, and Guts so why bring a Jugg? (Barb can rip the mob off of most tanks at will then off-tank). The...
  11. Inqr

    The Defender: Juggernaut / Knight / Marshal Part 1

    EDIT: In fact, the disparity between Jugg and the other two tanks is even greater. Jugg Armor-45, Marshal Armor-55, Knight Armor-65
  12. Inqr

    The Defender: Juggernaut / Knight / Marshal Part 1

    Your very off on your analysis. Did you look at the Tanks armor values? Jugg maxes out the same as a Berzerker DPS and some other classes at 45. It has the highest DPS of the tanks, definitely NOT Main Tank. Marshal has an ability called "Halt" it is great AOE CC, that and a higher armor value...
  13. Inqr

    Striker Skills & Subclass/Specialist

    Zerker is a Viking type that shrugs off wounds. It's like that in D&D and historically. Warden is a more ranged class similar to a Ranger. Grit makes zero sense for a Warden
  14. Inqr


    Agreed, most classes seem to have such a skill.