Embers Adrift

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  1. TIpsy

    Deer climbed up rock to join me :)

    hope we can adopt one ,or take role of animal carer <3
  2. TIpsy

    Embers Adrift Quick Guide for new players

    how determinative is gear really in this game? very? or are there like advantages for going topless as in the trailer too for example ;more speed?etc :p
  3. TIpsy

    OPEN WEEKEND JANUARY 2023 - Fri 27th to Sun 29th

    hello, pitty I missed the open weekend Are these open weekends like "try before you buy?" aside from the testing? i've supported many kickstarters in the past ,buying into games before they were even released through kickstarter etc & often has lead me to disappointments. So i'm a bit more...