Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. S

    A look at our current stats.

    Is there a listing of starting wieght for each class and then what it jumps to at lv6 and your choice of subclass?
  2. S

    Map of Ember Veins: Dryfoot B - Basilisks/Dinos

    Is there a map of the Ant EV?
  3. S

    List of current /Commands in game

    /switchinstance X (X is the instance you want to go to) Heard you need to be @ an Ember Ring to do this though
  4. S

    A look at our current stats.

    What is MODS? Like with "Strike" it has "MODS: +2" listed and other higher lv abilities have a higher value for MODS as well as other things listed.
  5. S

    Weapon crafting combos

    Is there a guide or spreadsheet for this? I swear I saw a video with one where a guy was looking at different combinations to craft a sword that had 4 ingredients and there were a tone of different outcomes for one recipe because of the different ingredients.