Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Pipz

    Player Suggested - 2024 Roadmap Poll - Just suggestions folks

    Well the other big reason I quit was Elloa being the community manager. I'll go play a different game than to deal with this person. I am also not the only one who has had problems with your responses to questions and feel you are extremely unprofessional. So not likely to return as long as they...
  2. Pipz

    Player Suggested - 2024 Roadmap Poll - Just suggestions folks

    Being told there were no plans in the works for a trading system or auction house is one of the big reasons I stepped away from embers. I play at off peak hours and am not attending stream held events so any use of crafting seamed meaningless but to gear myself.
  3. Pipz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    Just buy another account then dont sub. Bought storage.
  4. Pipz

    LIVE July 25th; what's new?

    I really dislike the AFK timers when it happens I lose all my chat logs and waste time to log back in and might just go play something else. Can we get a toggle in options to remove them? Would encourage me to play alot more.
  5. Pipz

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    There is alot like about this game. But after 6 months I have had little to no reason to use in game currency. I have only used it with npcs and to buy storage. I have had zero trades for items. I have been gifted some items but that is my extent of trading in this game. If this is your idea of...
  6. Pipz

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    I do not find the trade channel, or a fair barely noone knows about or can attend, appropriate replacements for an AH. Not everyone plays at peak times or wants to be on discord. I personally will not shout for hours for a no response on a item so for a person like me the trade channel does...
  7. Pipz

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    The no Auction House thing is pretty upsetting. I have yet to have a reason to trade with anyone. I don't think that is anything close to okay. I could careless about housing compared to an auction house of some sort. I instead just sell every good item to a npc.
  8. Pipz

    Roadmap for Q3 & Q4 2023 (subject to change)

    Really hoping the Others storyline is something we need guilds for and progress through unlockable areas with a iconic bad guy.
  9. Pipz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I think the best option for keeping micro transactions out of the game is to add cosmetic and storage quests to the subscription. Anything that could be a microtransaction can just be added to the game in the form of quests. If you want to support the game more, subscribe.
  10. Pipz

    Helpful tips for beginning players

    If your being attacked you can run away. You may get attacked for a while but if you get a monster far enough from where it spawns, it will give up.
  11. Pipz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I guess if you really don't want to subscribe but want more storage you can always buy another copy of the game and have a mule that way lol.
  12. Pipz

    Stormhaven Press Release June 2023

    I love it. Embers is about grouping and letting people play together. We dont all make the same amount of money so this makes sense to allow more people to enjoy embers. I do think a belt lantern would be awesome for streaming and content also wish we could remove the afk timer. We have a...
  13. Pipz

    Community Towards Supports/Healers?

    I think we have a pretty healthy community and people just like help or to help. All classes can resurrect people after they fall unconscious even tho it is easier for a support. As a sentinel i think this game is amazing for healers with the abilty to target your party with f1-f6 and then tab...
  14. Pipz

    LIVE May 30th; what's new?

    I would usually give them a pass on timetable of new areas as those are pretty difficult to add and we want them done right. I do get the frustration tho cause these are really needed.
  15. Pipz

    Sharing my impressions about the game

    I personally think the biggest thing missing is more iconic characters and monsters. Something to put on the front of a cereal box. I feel my game runs pretty good for a potato tho and I'm rockin a GTX 1060 3gb with 16gb ram.
  16. Pipz

    Your dream mmo

    My dream mmo is more about group content. The most fun I have had was in a group exp party in ffxi. During the 2009-2010 era you could make exp parties of 7-18 players and do an event call field of valor where each zone you got bonus exp whenever you finished an objective like kill 5 bunnies...
  17. Pipz

    Shield or Dual Wield for Supporters

    A best friend is the one to tell you when your wrong when others think that you are always right. You're neither right or wrong because other people agree with you. You're right when your facts are right and your reasoning is right, that is the only thing that makes you right. And if your facts...
  18. Pipz

    Steam Deck Installation and Controls

    I know a few people including myself who really want controller support. Thank you and keep up the good work!
  19. Pipz


    I was probably born in the red one with my luck.