Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Charlizd

    Feedback Fun?

    What one finds fun may not reflect to others, doesn't mean it's not true. You're either gonna enjoy it or not and if you don't then hopefully at some point someone will make something that tickles your fancy. One thing people need to realise is that we "developers" are not some kind of elite...
  2. Charlizd

    What are you playing currently?

    I don't play games anymore lol, every time I do play a game it is literally just to get some inspiration or for research. If I do get the chance to play a game they are usually games like Chivalry, warzone etc, quick multiplayer action to have a giggle at. Games that are not taken too seriously...
  3. Charlizd

    Get to know the team - Extended version - AMA

    IRL Name : Andrew Phippen Nickname: Charlie (Charlizd) Role: lead world builder IRL Location: Australia, East Coast. Year of birth: 1979 What do you do on the team: I pretend to know what I'm doing :) I literally just build the world we will be playing in. I am a pretty quiet chap usually and...