Embers Adrift

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    The Ultimate Juggernaut Class Guide

    Thanks Marcus, that means a lot!
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    The Ultimate Juggernaut Class Guide

    If I missed anything you feel should be covered, please feel free to contribute. Constructive feedback is welcome!
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    The Ultimate Juggernaut Class Guide

    Introduction The Juggernaut is Embers Adrift's iconic damage dealing tank that pushes through fights when anyone else in your place would have already collapsed. Juggernauts may not be capable as wearing as much armor as Knights or Marshals, but they can still hold their own when it matters...
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    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    100% this is the reason solo on tank feels slow. You can overcompensate with positional gear and a maul to approach solo fights with the same mentality as a striker (kill as fast as possible). Otherwise, you're stuck sitting around waiting for hp to top up while strikers or supporters are only...
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    QA April 24th

    Yup, they're green alright. Now if only they changed color like snatchscales when they die! :P
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    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    You all have gone above and beyond to remove the barrier to entry to play the game with B2P and FTP. You're probably right that it's too late to slap an early access sticker on it. Especially if you agree that the game is closer to feature complete than it is to the "early access" state that it...
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    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    This has happened to me a few different times over the last year. I'll have a reliable healer for a few levels for the tight 3ish hours most evenings I can to commit to doing dungeons. Eventually I'll miss some nights playing due to IRL and I'll come back to not having consistent heals. They'll...
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    Embers Adrift turns into a mostly solo RPG at lvl 30

    Great feedback, Crank. I hope you get to experience more Embers dungeons as main tank, it's quite exhilerating with a good cooperative team. Soloing definitely is rough on tanks, especially when your gear is configured with grouping primarily in mind. If you lean more into positional and mauls...
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    I'll have to think on this one a bit. I understand you're looking to have a more linear comparison that can be stacked. That said, I do appreciate your very creative diagram to explain what you're looking for!
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    I assumed there was some logistical reason you didn't attempt to solve it via this manner, so thank you for explaining!
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    During the community show some people including Genrah suggested changin the mob con to accomplish the same goal without having to reinvent the wheel. At first I was skeptical but after some thought it might accomplish the same thing without alienating so many people. What if the window a mob in...
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    Hot Fix April 2nd

    I dig the idea of titles based on time spent in the arena or unique player kills (to prevent excessive cheating with multiple accounts). I think the idea of getting passive EE generation in the arena would be fun and give a reason for ppl to spectate or compete. It would be difficult to...
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    Hot Fix April 2nd

    A+ on the arena aesthetic though! It's a beautiful spot to hang out and there's some spots you can sneak onto roofs with it's great.
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    Barring any corrections to my data it does appear at first to positively impact some of the levels with less options. Currently there are 13 levels from 1 to 50 where you have 3 or fewer overland, dungeon or EV zone options for getting xp. With the compressed model it looks like that's reduced...
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    Here's the compressed version.
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    This is the current zone level spread. Please forgive any inaccurate zone level ranges as it can prove difficult to verify without specific zone level pots. There are individual camps within the overland zones (green) that fit into smaller level ranges but aren't properly separated in wiki...
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    Please note that the ranges on the left aren't entirely accurate. The lowest level for a zone is calculated by measuring when some mobs in that zone become yellow con. The upper level is intended to be the last level before the mobs in the zone turn light blue in con at highest. Feel free to...
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    I feel as though 5 lvl range with GEL might be too much in this scenario. As it stands today GEL primarily improves your effective level offensively which allows supporters and strikers to more easily fit in groups that would otherwise be too high for them 5 levels higher than their current...
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    QA April 5th, 2024

    Is there any chance you could provide us with the level ranges of the zones after this change? Without level pots it would be hard to translate via QA. I'm mostly curious how this will influence the range of what is considered to be "good" or at least desirable XP and loot. AKA blue, white...
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    Hot Fix April 2nd

    Yeah I'd love for something a tad closer for the same reason. I think using hp debt to prevent ppl from rushing in over and over is smart though. If it were closer it wouldn't be so bad. Had a blast messing around today otherwise though. I'd love to see what a 6 v 6 match of similar players...