Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. E

    Where to find tin great axe recipe

    It's the only t2 recipe I don't have, and haven't seen it. Anyone know where to find it? If you have a spare, I'd be willing to trade or buy it off you. Jignutz, Longan, Exterminatus
  2. E

    Good place for T3 lumber?

    Haven't been able to find a good place to harvest T3 lumber, any suggestions?
  3. E

    4th Character slot suggestion

    It's insulting to suggest that they haven't given it any thought, that they rolled a die and it came up '3'. What I would predict they already have planned is that they will add a 4th in a paid expac, or maybe upon 2nd release when the game is finished and they actually advertise it to get new...
  4. E

    One More Port Discussion

    You are paranoid. If people are backing out of groups you are in at this high of a frequency, it's not the other player, it's you.
  5. E

    Another post begging for a talent system...

    When talent systems are done right, they are superfluous because they are balanced and there is only a small variation on a theme. That is what Devs strive for. The more impact a talent system has between characters, the worse the balance. The worse the balance, the more player bitching. The...
  6. E

    Another post begging for a talent system...

    Talent systems are a scam. They are like democracy, designed to give the appearance of choice without giving any meaningful choice.