Embers Adrift

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  1. OakKnower

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    A miracle! Thanks muchly Battlestorm. Now I can get busy doing something. This made my day!
  2. OakKnower

    Impressions of a noob Knight tank.

    Thanks for replying, Battlestorm. I agree, ES is a snap steal. Interestingly the tooltip doesn't show a threat component. I wonder if there is inherent (behind the curtain) threat generation in some attacks. With Counter, I can see a very slight application of threat. Much smaller than the...
  3. OakKnower

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    I have a question regarding trade-skills: Two of my characters would be crafters (third a harvester). On each of those two crafter characters I chose to level two harvesting skills. Leveled them to 12 and then purchased a crafting skill for the third slot. Am I not able to replace those...
  4. OakKnower

    Impressions of a noob Knight tank.

    I tanked CV1 last night for the first time (11 Knight) and didn't have too much difficulty keeping mobs on me. I rarely tank in MMOs opting for the support/healer role. I wanted to share some thoughts. The group range was 8-11. We also had a Marshall (lvl 8) who would infrequently pull aggro...